JEFF BEZOS was the founder and CEO of AMAZON, which is the largest retailer on the worldwide web. The company has become a real model to every online retailer in the world. Now a days JEFF BEZOS become richest person in the world, he leaves bill gates back as well. He is simply unstoppable. Today we talk about the success story of none other than JEFF BEZOS- FOUNDER and CEO of AMAZON.The company has a market of $295 billion which was started just 30 years ago.
The year was 1994, Jeff was working diligently on Wall Street. He began the internet revolution and made the decisions to quit his job and start an internet company. After making the list of top 20 products, he could potentially sell on the internet. it was just the beginning of brightest future. The initial startup capital came from his parent's personal savings. They invested large fraction of their life savings and began AMAZON.COM. After getting immense amount of fraction from the customers amazon raised his series of funding $8 million in 1995. In 1997, Amazon went publicized raise additional capital within 2 months out of the funding. Amazon sales were $20 thousand away. The company has continued to increase their revenue back into the growth. Jeff bezos expanding his business in several sectors and many other products were added to the company, a retail joint venture. Growing from strength to strength, AMAZON.COM launched the web services .
Now what started as a small venture in jeff's garage is now a symbol of internet sell.
Jeff Bezos is not just a businessman, he is a true leader and an inspiration to many young entrepreneurs across the world